Wednesday, October 01, 2008

Yard Work 2008 #14

The last day of September included a lawn mowing. With the approaching fall rains - I figured I better get out there and trim it up. It is supposed to start raining on Thursday and continue through the weekend. Looks like our soccer games will be quite wet. We've been lucky so far this season.

The lawn itself does need a little more attention beyond a cutting before the growth slows down this winter. There are a few weeds I got with broad leaf weed killer today, but the edges on the driveway and in the back yard need to be visited by the edger. If I had the energy - there does appear to be a lot of thatch that needs dethatching. Not sure I'm up for that amount of effort.

I have also noticed that the ground in getting quite hard packed down. If I see a neighbor down the street with a coring machine...I should slip them a few bucks to let me borrow it for an hour. Even if I owned a coring tool - I really don't have the energy to go around and drill all those soil plugs up by hand.

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