Saturday, December 15, 2007

2007 Christmas Tree Hunt

Last Saturday (12/08/07) we headed off on our annual Christmas Tree Hunt. Every year, usually on the Sunday after Thanksgiving - we head off to the Mt. Hood National Forest to search for the perfect Christmas Tree. We go with Mick's family and some other people also come along for the fun. This year - due to the lack of snow after Thanksgiving, family members on vacation in Hawaii (!), and Uncle Marty's work schedule changing - we went on a Saturday a few weekends later.

The fun of the adventure is multifaceted. Of course - it would be great to find a Christmas tree. We stop at the Zig-Zag Ranger Station, located on Hwy 26, to purchase the $5 tree tags. We used to stop at the Mt. Hood Information center, but in the past few years they stopped selling the tags. We still stopped to answer the call of nature, but this year the center was closed. Not sure why - but the port-o-potties at the ranger station had to suffice.

So - after buying the tags (thanks Papa!) - we heard off up Lolo Pass Road. This road goes up the west side of Mt. Hood, generally following the power lines coming from Hood River. We hit snow at maybe 4 miles up the road, and following the twists and turns - our Explorer was soon switched to 4x4. After a couple of more miles - we had some trouble, due to the depth of the snow, the hardness and ice covering...and the Explorer's low transmission clearance. Uncle Dan in his Yukon Suburban, and Papa driving Uncle Dan's large diesel pickup didn't have any trouble. But - we continued and reached the 'top' - which is about 10 miles from the starting point at Hwy 26.

We got settled in, suited up in snow clothes, and had fun! The Bares found their tree almost immediately, Papa got one after a long hike up a hill and over deep snow, Uncle Marty got one a little later...and we came up empty. But - we are looking for a more 'traditional' looking tree - a Douglas Fir. The area we are looking in is a great place for Nobel Firs. It is a little difficult to find a perfect tree - as many trees grow clumped together and the easy pickings are no longer there. It is quite a hunt.

However, the day was perfect. Temperatures in the 20's, blue sky with no clouds, and Mt. Hood shining in glory! We sledded, at lunch, played some more - and then headed down the mountain. It would have been great to stay and watch the sunset on Mt. Hood - but no one wanted to go down Lolo Pass in the dark. There are no guard rails on the road, it was snow covered by at least 2 feet of snow...and the road is only wide enough for one vehicle in places. You don't want to meet another vehicle at some curves...

So - check out the photos of the day. We've posted them on our Picassa account.

Brian & Mick Picassa Web Album
2007 Christmas Tree Hunt

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