Saturday, April 12, 2008

Tour de Cure Update #6

With the weather today predicted to be in the upper 70's, we knew it was time to get out the bikes and go for another training ride.

The weather cooperated! So we packed a lunch, got the tires on the bikes pumped up to the recommended pressures, and headed out. The day was perfect - sunny, and probably still in the 60s so we didn't get too hot.
Out goal today was to see a house a few miles away that we had just seen on an episode of Ask This Old House. Roger Cook started the segment saying "We're about 10 miles SW of Portland, Oregon in a suburb named Tualatin to help a homeowner with her lawn." He showed her how to power dethatch the lawn, aeriate the lawn with a core aerator, fertilize, and spread seed. Since most of the segments on ATOH are in the Boston area, we never figured we get them out to our house. Well - I guess we just never asked! We wanted to see how the lawn turned out, as it appeared this work was done last spring or fall. One shot of the house on the show had the house number, and with a little help from the Metro GIS taxlot layer - we found the house. The lawn turned out pretty nice. See a writeup of the episode here.
So - as to our ride....after seeing the house, we headed a short distance over to Jurgens Park for our picnic. A little food and refreshment, playing on the playground, then back on the bikes - heading for home.

Enjoying our lunch

When we got home - the odometer on my bike showed we had traveled about 6.9 miles! It was a hard ride - but we are almost worked up to our 10 mile length of the Tour de Cure race.

Tired - but still standing!

Tomorrow is predicted to be another nice day - not as warm, and rain coming late in the day. I don't think we'll be out biking then - but you never know. We're determined!

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