Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Connor's first soccer practice

Connor had his first soccer practice this week, at 5:30pm on Monday. After last week with nice sunny days - the first rain in a few days began at 5:15pm. It really didn't matter to Connor. He was soaked to the skin after running around in the rain for an hour. The practice was held on the artificial turf of the Tualatin High School football field. So - even though everyone got wet, no one got muddy. Nice!

The soccer practice was a new thing for the Tualatin Soccer Club this year. It is an eight week camp run by the UK International Soccer Camp. Connor's coach is named Gaff - he is from northern England. The other coaches were from southern England and from London. The accent is very evident. Connor learned a lot. He had been playing soccer at recess at school, and this was the first time he was in an organized team sport. He has been doing gymnastics for a few years at Metro Gymnastics - and he loves that, too.

He learned some new skills and even has some homework - he was told to practice his drag-back technique. That is fun homework!

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