Thursday, June 12, 2008

Memorial Day Weekend Camping

Well...I put off writing this post because I needed to get some photos together to add to the story. But going through the photos we took - there are too many to choose from. Looking at the photo filenames - it looks like 270 photos were taken. Some of these were deleted immediately on the camera due to a blink or failed flash or maybe someone didn't want to smile. But threaten to withhold the s'mores - and you'll get at least a halfhearted smile.

So - I decided to create a Picasa album. It is uploading right now - 82 of our best shots. Some even worthly of publication in a magazine. We did get good weather on Saturday and Sunday and on Tuesday - but the other days it did rain. Imagine that - it rained in Oregon on the coast in May. That must have never happened before....

Check out the Picasa album. The photos tell the story. Any questions? Well - post a comment on the blog entry! You know you want to...

Here is a slideshow of the Picasa photos. I hope this works...

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