Monday, November 17, 2008

Fence is least the posts

Last Sunday I moved the last post into place. The six foot section that I had been leapfrogging along was trimmed to a new size, about three feet, and attached to post number 11 and the corner post. I don't have a photo, because I finished so late in the day - and this past week was busy enough that I haven't thought about it.

Now...I just need to figure out how to make a latch for my new gate that will work well from both sides of the fence. The latch also needs to be able to be reached by someone who is not 5 feet tall - so a latch at the top of the gate won't work. I'll either have to cut a hole in the gate so you can reach through from the street side, or maybe attach a string or coat hanger type extension through the gate.

Guess you'll have to stick around for that new adventure...and then how I move the existing steps and build a new landing, since the new gate is coming from our deck which is a more than a foot above grade.

Stay tuned!

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